Learning Management System

NHS Informatics Merseyside have developed a new Learning Management System (LMS) to host eLearning content and training guides that delegates can access to support self-directed learning.

The LMS consists of two different catalogues.

  • The IM Training Service catalogue can be used to access bespoke training resources that have been created by the Training Service to support you with the use of clinical and digital systems.

  • The Cheshire and Merseyside Microsoft 365 Knowledge Hub can be used to access training resources on how to use the different Microsoft 365 applications. This Knowledge Hub is part of a Cheshire and Merseyside Programme of work to optimise the use of Microsoft 365 across the region.  You can find out more by visiting the Cheshire and Merseyside Microsoft 365 Optimisation Programme website.  

There are three different registration processes, one for Mersey Care & NHS Informatics Merseyside one for Primary Care (GP Practice, Primary Care Network and ICB Corporate staff) and one for External Organisations & Voluntary Services .

Select one of the options below, based on the organisation that you work for and follow the instructions provided.

Mersey Care & IM Staff

Primary Care Staff

External Organisations


For help and support, please contact Training@imerseyside.nhs.uk

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