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Who should attend?

This session is suitable for staff who have a lead role in managing staff who carry a caseload within a community team, and who have responsibility for overall team performance from a quality and safety perspective.

This session is also suitable for Managers who want to understand how their staff can use MaST to manage their case load on a day to day basis.

Managing My Team – What you will learn? 

  • help you track and manage your team’s caseloads
  • help you track and manage Service User flow into your team
  • help you to identify manage Service Users who could be ready to move on from your team
  • help you keep track of essential care standards for each Health Care Worker on your team
  • help you track how often service users on your team have been seen
  • use data to identify service users at greater likelihood if using crisis services
  • use complexity flags to show information captured in the care record
  • help you build a search for cohorts of Service Users that may be vulnerable or require actions
  • show data about each individual Service Users on your caseload
  • help you track the caseload of colleagues that you may be covering for.

Training Dates

2 July 2024 3.30pm
5 July 2024 3.30pm
10 July 2024 11.00am
12 July 2024 10.30am
17 July 2024 1.30pm


Book your Managing My Team Training here